HMK Designer Kitchen Knife Series

The highest quality handmade Stainless steel kitchen knives.

The m390 series.

M390 is a sophisticated and modern super alloy stainless powder steel. It was chosen for this project due the demand for stainless steels in high end designer kitchen knives.

Thomas Rönnberg has forged by hand out of carbon steel well over a thousand kitchen knives in the past decade and has learned many secrets about the craft from some of the most respected Japanese master bladesmiths; alongside dozens of experts and professors in the field of metallurgy. Through this experience he has learned to find the ideal
rustic-modern designer kitchen knife construction perfect for any setting. Stainless steels are superior in many ways to carbon steels for designer kitchen knives as the vast majority of customers interested in acquiring kitchen knives today do not wish to endure the difficulties of caring for carbon steel knives which are better suited for highly trained people who understand sharpening stones and polishing very well.

The core design elements of the M390 series are heavily influenced by Japanese tradition.

The plantation where the curly birch on the M390 Stainless series comes from at the forge. When a tree is ready, it is cut down, dried for a year, and from it raw blocks are hand picked to stabilize and create handles from.    The stabilization process of wood waterproofs it and allows it to be dyed.

The plantation where the curly birch comes from outside the HMK forge.

Curly Birch.

Curly Birch.